On 15th February Facebook got hacked by the hackers and Facebook confirmed about this in their official blog post regarding security. Like other giant web based services in the world Facebook very often becomes the target of the hackers. Facebook confirmed that on January Facebook officials downloaded one malware and this is the cause of this hacking.
Facebook also confirmed that though it got hacked but they did not get any sign that their customers or users data is been hacked or used by the hackers. This is a bit relief for us who are the users of the Facebook This incident happened when the Facebook officials entered into one mobile developers website and Facebook got affected by malware. To hack this time the hackers identified one defect of one java plugin and through this defect they entered in to the whole system. The java producer Oracle has already been informed about this incident and hopefully will take proper action to protect this defect of their plugin.
One security expert from another company has remarked that the Facebook attacked this time has originated from China. Facebook is claiming that this is a “Zero-Day” attack and this type of attack is rare and need more money and which in a give us a hint that this is done most of the time using government sponsorship.
Before this incident web giant Google was also attacked by hackers and at that time also the attackers are from China and as a result Google minimized their operation in China. At that time the attack was help by using one older version of Internet Explorer.