Category: Contemporary

Is Macaulay Culkin Dead or Alive?

The question is now in almost everyone’s mind whether Macaulay Culkin dead or alive? A lot of stories about Macaulay Culkin’s death has been published and also getting circulated in the internet.Most of the posts are telling about the sudden death of Macaulay Culkin.If you search in the internet with the phrase “Macaulay Culkin death” then …

Facebook Added New Life Event, “Expecting a baby-Facebook”

Finally Facebook added new life event for timeline which is named as “Expecting a baby-Facebook”.This is not a rumor that Expecting a baby-Facebook feature is available.This news is straight from the Facebook News Room.So,why this radical change in Facebook? Is Mark Zuckerberg himself or any other staff in Facebook expecting a baby?May be yes or may …