Category: Technology News

5 Myths Busted About Software Security: Understanding Myth and the Bitter Reality!

Today, businesses depend heavily upon software, and so do individuals. The truth is that guaranteeing your business or family’s security is as much about understanding the risks, including technologies to help avoid them. Yet with so much dependency on technologies or applications, why do new vulnerabilities keep cropping up every day? The software security myths that …

3D Architectural Walk-Through for Permanent Statute!

We are coming across the term architecture from all the ancient civilization like the Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro Civilization, The Chinese Civilization, The Egypt civilization etc. So the term architecture is vastly diversified. Architecture transforms the dreams into reality. There are many parameters of architecture like environmental, political, artistic, economic and social. For common mass, design contains …

Can’t Afford Cable? Try Watching Television On PC

Watching television on your PC can be easy. You simply have to find the correct application to play the television programming, and you can stream nearly any television content without any additional downloads. Most people choose websites or applications such as Hulu, Ustream or YouTube, but there are numerous others. Luckily, many applications are free. Consider …

Google Confirms Gmail Outage,Google Drive,Google Play, Chrome Sync Affected

While going through the Twitter twitts and other social media i was getting the news that Google Gmail,drive,Google Play and Chrome are having problem.But i was not experiencing this kind of Gmail outage.So,i just thought that it is kind of rumor.Thinking this when i tried to use my gmail account then suddenly Google chrome crashed with the gmail account.Later …