Category: Technology News

The Expanding Trend of Mobile Social Networking

Mobile usage is on the rise among consumers around the world. A Ruder Finn study recently revealed that American mobile users spend an average of almost three hours each day on their phones. The increased popularity of smartphones directly affects these statistics.The usage of mobile phone is dominated by mobile social networking.Before full-featured phones really took …

The Advantages of Using a Genuine Brother Ink Cartridge

It’s amazing how fast Brother printers rose in popularity in a span of a decade. Their multifunctional features notwithstanding, these printers produce satisfactory prints each time. The company has been more lenient in giving third-party manufacturers the license to make compatible ink cartridges. Yet, nothing beats using a genuine Brother ink cartridge because of several advantages …

WordPress Releases LiveBlog Plugin With Bugs!

WordPress, which is the most popular blogging platform in the web released a magical plugin named “Liveblog plugin”.Many websites hosted by WordPress itself and hosted by other hosting company uses this platform by installing WordPress.WordPress releases its new plugin named “liveblog plugin“.This new plugin will make the live blog posting more simple.Bloggers will be able to …