Google AdSense Not the Main Business But a Part of It!

As more businesses take shape on the Internet, many new ways to make money have also appeared. One of the most popular and well-known is AdSense, a marketing platform run by Google. AdSense offers advertisers space on blogs and websites that are related to their companies. In return for the website owner placing the ads, Google …

Top Disaster Recovery Tips!

Having an IT disaster is every business owner’s nightmare and in order to avoid such unwanted situations from occurring, almost every large business has a disaster recovery plan in place. Simply put, IT disaster recovery creates a secondary site in order to hold important information in remote places in case an IT disaster occurs within the …

Nokia Hijacking Traffic, Or Is It?

Since Apple and Samsung have pretty much taken over the entire cell phone market leaving Nokia to scrounge around for left over pieces, the last thing they need is bad PR. Unfortunately that’s exactly what happened when security professional Gaurang Pandya revealed that Nokia might be hijacking your browsing information and your traffic on its phones. …