An Overview of Touch Screen Technology

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Nowadays, there are many devices that use touch screen technology. Many users love to have a personal computer that has a touch screen technology. This technology allows them to control their computer by touching the screen. In this article, there is some good information about this technology. Most personal computer systems include this technology in order to improve their functionality.

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    Working Principle-
    This touch screen technology has three main components. They are controller, touch sensor and software driver. In order to function properly, this technology should be combined with a display screen and device, such as PC.
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  • Touch screen sensor-
    This sensor is made from a glass plate that has touch responsive surface. This sensor is usually placed over the display screen in order to maximize the responsive surface area. There are many different touch technologies that are available in the market. The touch screen sensor works by using the electric signal or current. When someone touches the screen, there are some changes in the signal or voltage. These changes are very useful to help this system to find the location of the touch on the surface area.
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  • Controller-
    This is made from a small PC card. This simple device connects the touch screen sensor and the personal computer. The controller can take data from the touch sensor. Then, it converts all data to become understandable information for the PC. There are many different types of controller that are available in the market. This is usually located inside the monitor.
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  • Software Driver-
    This driver is very useful to allow the connection between touch screen and personal computer. This system allows these two separate items to work together. This driver works by telling the PC’s operating system to understand the information that is coming from the controller.

You can also check about another technology which is Machine to Machine Technology in my previous post.

Uses of Touch Screen-
This technology is very important for all computer users. Here are some applications that use touch screen technology as the main principle.

  1. Public Information Display-
    There is many examples of this application, such as the tourism displays, information kiosks, trade show displays and many other displays. This touch screen technology is easier to use than any other conventional input devices. As the result, this technology can be used by most people, including beginner users.
  2. Retail and Restaurant System-
    There are many restaurant and retail systems that use touch screen technology. This system is very easy to use. As the result, all employees can finish their works very quickly. It can also reduce the training time for new employees. Touch screen systems can be used in the cash registers, reservation systems, seating system, entry station and many other systems.
  3. Control and Automation System-
    There are many manufacturers and companies using this touch screen technology. It is very useful to improve the business performance. Almost all operators can control and monitor. They work easily by using this touch screen technology.
  4. Computer Based Training-
    This system is more user friendly than any other traditional input devices. As the result, the computer based training session can be done quickly. Some experts believe that this system is able to reduce the total training expense. A touch screen technology can improve the user experience for both educators and students.
  5. Assistive Technology-
    Many people, who have difficulty in using any other input devices, for example keyboard or mouse. This system is very useful for those people as the assistive technology. Therefore, this system is much recommended to be available for anyone who has difficulty in using computers. As the result, there will be more people who are able to access computers by using this technology in the future.
One Response to “An Overview of Touch Screen Technology”
  1. March 12, 2016

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