A lot of people need images from Google for different purpose. Like to set wallpaper in their computer, using it in a post by editing it or to use as a background image. Sometimes for to set the images as wallpaper people need some large sized images. But if you search image in Google only with its topic name, you will not be able to find the image with appropriate size.
Previously in Google Image search option there was an useful option named “Search by image size”. Which was very useful to search a particular size of image.
But this option is not available right now.So,this is bit difficult for the general user to get an image with a particular size.
But still there is a possible way through which you will be able to search image by the size.Like you may need one image with the size of 1920×1080 to set this as desktop background.But if you only search with the image topic name then images with all size will come up in your search result.
So, you need to be specific while searching the image.You can make your search result within a particular result by using one operator “imagesize”.
You need to enter the search term as before and then you need to add “imagesize: widthxheight” to the query.Now if you hit enter , Google image search will remove all the search images rather than the size that you searched for .
This trick will also work in the mobile version of Google search.You can try this right now and if you like it then please share it with friends.