The Quick and Easy Solution – How to Delete Duplicate iTunes

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For your iPhones and iPods, you will be using a lot of iTunes since it is the primary source of mp3 songs and videos. Just in case you start using third party apps and other websites, you will end up with duplicates. There is a quick and easy solution, so if you want to learn how to delete duplicates iTunes, read on and you’ll find out.


You have two options to delete duplicates in iTunes. You can choose between these two, and solve your problems with duplicates.

First Solution

This is the easiest solution, but you won’t be able to address the problem. You simply ignore the duplicates, and skip the ones that you encounter.

Second Solution       

The second one is to manually delete the duplicates. This is time consuming, and for some people, this isn’t a quick fix.

Most of iPhone users will be disappointed with these solutions. You simply need to find out how iTunes work. It is really very simply. Here are the steps that you can follow:

·         Open the iTunes library

·         Locate the tab named ‘File’; this is found at the screen’s corner

·         Click the tab, and find ‘Display Duplicates’

Once the duplicates are displayed, iTunes can help you in deleting these files. A pop up window will appear with these tabs – cancel, keep files, and move to trash. Click on one of these tabs to organize the music library. However, this is a quick fix for those with a small music library. It is also possible to delete multiple duplicates. Simply click on one file, hold down the ‘Ctrl’ key for Windows or for Mac, hold the ‘Command’ key down, and click on the other files that you want to remove. Press ‘delete’ key and you’re done!

Preventing duplicates is the best solution. All you have to do is open iTunes and locate ‘Edit’ to see find ‘Preferences’ (if you are using Windows. For Mac users, you can find ‘Preferences’ on the menu of iTunes. Click on ‘Advanced’. It is important that these options are checked – keep iTunes music folder organized and copy files to iTunes Music folder when adding to library.

After ensuring that the two options are checked, every file that you add will automatically go to the iTunes folder. The folder will remain organized and you will not be allowed to add files that are already in the library. So, you see these steps are truly effective in keeping the music library organized and free from duplicates.

You do not have to put up with a messy iTunes library. Now that you know the different solutions, you can now address the problem and maintain an organized music library. Start deleting duplicates today!

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